Immersive Factory Health & Safety Training
SafetyDays are a great solution for getting all employees trained quickly, whereby a consultant from Primo XR comes onsite for a day with a VR headset and takes groups of employees through specific training courses from the Immersive Factory catalogue. With the capability of training up to 50 people per day and per headset, this method is an ideal way to introduce VR HSE training to an organisation.
Immersive Factory offers cutting-edge Virtual Reality (VR) training for Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS). Their unique model provides an unparalleled immersive experience, whether your part of an on-site or remote team. VR training reinforces your strategy by offering more effective learning, reducing training time, and enhancing decision-making skills. It’s the ideal training solution for safety and preparedness. Primo XR offer not only Immersive Factory’s catalogue of HSE training, but also their innovative SafetyBox VR © and deliver SafetyDays training on behalf of Immersive Factory.
SafetyBox VR is a unique offering that gives customers an enterprise VR headset along with 12 months unlimited usage of Immersive Factory’s training catalogue, ready for whenever a customer needs to train a new employee or have existing employees brush up their skills.
Immersive Factory VR training catalogue has over 30 lessons available, some bespoke to key industries. Immersive Factory is the market leader in VR HSE training, from simple “Warehouse hazards” to “Working at Height”, the standard trainings cover a wide range, plus customers can request the development of bespoke courses.